Monday, June 04, 2007

Personal Story

So I asked the Poland team to write down their personal stories, testimonies, for our trip. I told them I would go first and I did. So here is my personal story. Let me know what you think. Even you Mom!

My life before Christ
Growing up in a little town with two younger brothers we had plenty of opportunities to get into trouble. I had a family who knew God and what he could do. My dad would take my brothers and I to church every Sunday morning and most evening services. My parents loved me, and supported me. They took care of me and provided for all of my needs.

How I met Christ
While always being at church, my entire social life was consumed with church activities. One Sunday morning our teacher in the children’s church program asked if anyone would like to “accept Jesus Christ as their savior”. I raised my hand really not knowing what I was doing. Several of us went into a back room and there another teacher explained that we all do bad things – remembering some of the things that my brothers and I would do – I quickly realized that I had done quite a few bad things. He also told us that those bad things are called sin. He showed from the Bible that all people sin and how they can’t have a relationship with God because of it. It even says that those who sin deserve eternal death. He then started talking about this man named Jesus and how Jesus was God and that Jesus died and three days later came back to life to cover for our sin so that we could have a relationship with him.

That day I asked Jesus to come into my life and cover for my sin. I asked him to save me from eternal death; I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior, so that I could have a forever relationship with God.

My life since I met Christ
Since I met Christ I’ve had a focus. I really try my best to learn as much about Jesus as I possibly can. I learned that he desires for me to be like him. So, I try my best and with his help I am becoming more and more like he is. Life is not perfect, but it seems better than those who don’t have this relationship. I’ve also committed my life to share this story with people. I want people to have what I have from Jesus.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read this out loud to the team, and it sounded a little hokey.

Or maybe its just that its so simple. It makes sense. I'm not sure. It some how doesn't encapsolate the process I've gone through to get where I am.

I think I'll try a different approach next time. I've got a couple of ideas...