Saturday, June 09, 2007

Leslie's Movies V

It is interesting that movie number "V" was V for Vendetta. This was an interesting little flick. I think I'll need to watch it again to get everything I can out of it. What I liked about it was the anitbrickworld themes in the movie. I loved the push against extreme religion. Being a pastor it sounds a little weird for me to say that I liked a movie against organized religion, but what really stood out were the themes of justice and choice as opposed to fear and dictatorship.

I think I'll give it a 3.5 out of 5 stars.


tammi said...

that WAS a really great's been awhile since I saw it, but i remember it was NOTHING like I thought it would be.

have you seen The Prestige or The Illusionist?? They're should rent those if you haven't seen 'em yet.

Unknown said...

I've heard that they are fantastic. But I haven't seen them yet.