Saturday, June 09, 2007

Jacob and Sarah

You know it interesting if I were to drive a little ways (440 miles) down the road (I-80) I would eventually run into Des Moines, IA, and near there is where my brother and sister-in-law live. Now I don't know why it seems so infrequent that we get to see each other, but it seems rare. Although, when making trips to Lansing Jacob often stops for a day or even for lunch. Its quite fun. I absolutely love it when they stop by. Well, they just left yesterday morning. They did a concert for a youth group night at church on Wednesday (I'll blog about this later). But it was really nice to see them again.

Thanks for coming guys...I know its our turn to drive the dreaded 440!

1 comment:

David Wolfgang said...

How about coming to visit me? It's only 1,032 miles...
