Friday, March 23, 2007

A New Way to Look at Jesus...

So I've recently reading books that challenge the things I've been taught about Jesus. No, not anything heretical (i.e. God-Man, death/burial/ressurection - I'm still with you on these things), but things about his ministry. Things that I think we often miss.

Philosophical/Theological Rant
Our modern view of Jesus and the Bible has only put him and it in a box. I mean we don't even let the bible speak for itself when it comes to the text. We find this need to split it up to explain away any so-called "inconsistancies" only because we miss the big picture.

Back on Task
The Bible is one big and very cool story. Jesus' message of caring for people isn't a new concept! Creation was very good as God proclaimed, and then we screwed it up - and we continue to screw it up. But God entered the world through a family (Israel), and began to redeem it. He began to mold it and change it and shape this sinful, chaotic place into something completely different - in fact opposite of what it was. He was making it beautiful and good again!

Jesus comes along and he's preaching the same message. The message of God turning this place back into something good. The message of hope for this earth. The message of people doing extraordinary things to help overturn the cart and make this sinful, chaotic place beautiful and full of order.

Why don't we do that? Why don't we get involved and make this place beautiful? Why don't we make this place wonderful?

Things are completely different than they were in Jesus' day. I really don't live in fear of my life everyday, like some do. I don't need to worry about where I am going to live or food on my table. My basic needs are covered. I don't even worry about the our country being attacked and overthrown and occupied. I don't have to worry about those things. Don't you think that has something to do with Jesus' message?

I'm still thinking about this and I'm not sure where I'll land.

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