Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dear Church

So, I just finished reading a book called, Dear Church. It is writen by Sarah Cunningham who is from Jackson, Michigan and was 28 at the time she wrote this book.

Its an interesting look at the "twentysomething's" view of the church in our culture. She wrote each chapter as if it were a letter to the universal church at large, spelling out her critisms and frustration with the church. She also wrote it from her experience and therefore wrote it to those who are "twentysomething." I found it engaging and enlightening. I found that it helped me articulate my thoughts, feelings, and critisms toward the church. What I found that I didn't really expect was that it was that it was challenge for me to start working on the holes that the church has and that gaps that the church is not filling. I feel as though my cynicism was not needed. And therefore, is something I should be apologizing for.

This book gave excellent and practical ways that we can minister to those who are "twentysomething" and also challenges those who are "twentysomething" to get involved in authentic Christian community.

Overall its a good read. I'd really recommend it to everyone in church ministry, as well as those who are "twentysomething".

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