Friday, January 04, 2008

Umm... Does this still work?

I just want to apologize to the 669 people who have come to the site in the last couple of months only to find that nothing has been posted.  I often find myself in large cycles of blogging and then not blogging.  

So much has been happening.  I wish that I had time to share it all with you.  We'll see how much we can fit in.  

Work, Work, Work...!
So Shari and I have felt convicted over our personal debt it isn't a great amount but enough in fact our new perspective has been that some is too much.  We decided that we would work as much as possible in order to pay off as much of our debt as we possibly can.  We reduced our monthly expenses and started paying down out debt and have paid a substantial amount off already.  But in order to do it we had to get some work - Shari started substitute teaching, working at Maurice's and doing some tutoring.  I started working full-time at OfficeMax, and part-time at Family Christian and Target and recently just found another job designing websites from home.

Searching for a Church.
We haven't put too much time into searching for a church lately.  Don't get me wrong we both fully believe that we need to be in full-time ministry (preferably together).  But it just hasn't been at the top of the priority list lately.  That being said between September 30 and October 16th I sent my resume to about 60 different churches, but not a many since.  Now from that initial 60 I am still in contact with a couple churches.  Please pray that God would lead in our lives.  

All in all life has been crazy that past few months, but honestly I feel it has been mentally and emotionally not to mention spiritually relaxing.

1 comment:

klasieprof said...

WELL WELL WELL!! Welcome BACK!!! I just got my computer fixed, and somehow the guy put in all my old "favorites" that was long lost. You were one of them! And what do I get? a NEW POST!!
You are loved and missed. Helena went to snow camp this weekend at The Springs, she had a great time.