Thursday, January 05, 2006

She finally tells all

You almost feel sorry for her, and ok. Almost as if she's justified in what she did. That she had good reason. That being said I'm glad Lindsay is out and says that she's done with drugs.


klasieprof said...

Just GOTTA love the line "We're Great Friends"...yah. Right.

klasieprof said...

which brings to mind a incident last summer at the St. Louis Festival. I see a "christian" guy I know being hounded 2 women. ALL over him (he's um...sort of married)..anyway..he says something to me about how much he could "do for me" ..and I just blow it off and say..YAH you and all other men in Gratiot County. He actually TOOK offense that I had not taken, or refused to even consider taking advantage of his "christian" love offer. LOL